
1545 - Edward, eldest of Martin DOCWRA OF of Thatcham, Berkshire

Will was written on 29 April 1545
Will was proved on 19 May 1545

In Dei Nomine Amen. The xxixth day of Aprill The yere of our Lord god a Thousand fyve hundreth ffourtie and fyve In the xxxxvijth yere of the Reigne of our Soveraign Lord king Henry the viij by the grace of God king of England ffraunce and Irelande Defendour of the faith and in earthe of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande the Supreme head, I Edwarde Docwray of the parishe of Thacham in the Countie of Berks sicke in body and hole of mynde make my testament and last wille after the fourme and maner folowing:

First I bequethe my soule to Almighty God and my body to be buried in the chapell of Saint Anne in the parishe of Thacham.

Item I bequeth to the highe aulter of Thacham a taper price xxd. to burne before the Sacrament.

Item I bequeth to the mother churche of Sarum xiid.

Item I bequethe unto my wife Margery Docwray all my goods moveable and unmoveable, and will that the expences of my buriall shalbe at the disposicion and will of my said wife: whom I do ordeyn and make oonly my executrice.

And I will that Maister John Wynchcombe thelder of the towne of Newberye shalbe the overseer of this my testament and last wille.

Witness thay being present Maister Vicar of Thacham my curat; Edmund Docwray and Anthony Docwray; Roger Marshall, and Thomas Gryne; with other moo. The day and yere above said [29 April 1546] (Transcriber's note: the date above actually says 1545 not 1546 as in the book)

Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 19th May 1545, to Margaret Docwray the widow and relict of Edward Docwray.

Source: APPENDIX LXVI to "Thatcham, Berks. and its Manors" by Samuel Barfield

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