
1559 - Thomas DOCKWRAY, of London, Notary Public, Citizen & Stationer

Will was written on 28 May 1559
Will was proved on 14 July 1559

In the name of god Amen the xxviijth Daye of maye in the yere of owr lord god a thousannde fyve hundred fiftie and nyne I Thomas Dockwray notarye publique Citizen and Stacyonor of London and one of the proctours of the Arches being sicke in bodie & holle of mynde and Remembrannce lawdes be to god make and ordeyne this my p[rese]nte testamente conteynyng my last will in maner and fourme follwinge:

ffurst I bequeth my sowle to the Blessed Trynytie the father the sonne and the holye gooste and to the blessed vyrgen Marye mother of oure savyour Christe Jesu and to all the celestiall companye of hawen

And my bodie to be buryed in my parishe churche of saynt faythe in london as neare vnto my pve as ytt convenyentie may be and for my leysteste there I bequeth xl s

Item I bequeth to eu[er]y childe of my suster Margerett and of my suster Catheryne of my brother Richarde and of my brother Mychell beying lyving at the howre of my death xiij s iiij d

Item I bequeth to eu[er]y godchilde whiche I haue in london at the tyme of my deathe xij d And to eu[er]y godchilde whiche I haue in the countrye viij d

Item I bequeth to Anne my wif all my rente reuenues Rensions comodities and proufetts of all my tenements whiche I haue sett lieng and being in p[ate]rn[oste]r[?] Rewe and warwicke lane in the said parishe of seynt ffayth in london during her lif naturall she keping the same in due Reputions And after her decease I will the remaynder of all the said landes and tenements Rents rensions and other the p[re]mysses shall remayne to my nephewe Thomas Roberts and to the heyrs of his bodie laufullie begotten foreu[er] And for lacke of suche yssue I bequethe all the said landes and tenemens Rents Reuersions and other the p[re]mysses to the eldest sonne of my saide Brother Michell Dockwray and to the heyres male of his bodie laufullie begotten And for lacke of suche yssye to remayne to the seconnde sonne of the same Michaell nowe lyving and to the heyres male of his bodie laufullie begotten And for lacke of suche yssue to remayne to his heyres generall for ever Excepte one tenement situate in p[ate]rn[oste]r[?] Rowe in the whiche nowe dothe dwell and inhabite Thomas Lawrence of the Citie of london marchannte Tylor and Luce his wyffe The whiche tenement withall his appurtenance I giue and bequeth to the fraternytie and brotherhod of the blessed name of Jesu founded in the said churche of saynte faythe in london for ever ymmediatly after the decease of my said wif for the better mayntenance of goddes hollie since in the queare of seynt faithes there to the entent to be prayde for eu[er]y sondaye in the Beaderewe eu[er]y sundaye in the yere

Item I will that my executrice shall give to five poore people eu[er]y friday in the yere v d and eu[er]y sundaye in the yere iiij d duryng the hole yere nexte after my decease

Item I will and bequeth to Anne Sampson v li

Item I will there be dealte to poore people at the day of my buryall xxxiij s iiij d

Item I bequeth to Anne Cooke iij li vj s viij d

Item I beqeath to Anne lamberte iij li vj s viij d

Item I bequeth to Thomas Laurence my white geldinge and my lothe gowne faced with damasks

Item I bequeth to my suster Luce Laurence his wif a litle hoope of golde

Item I bequeth to the Highe aulter in seynt faythes churche for my tithes and oblations negligently forgotten if any suche be vj s viij d Provided alwayes and my will is any thinge aboue wryten notwithstanding that the said Thomas Lawrence and luce his wif and the longer lyver of theym duryng theire lives naturall shall haue theire dwellinge and occupienge of the said tenemente wherein they nowe dwell with thappurtenance thereof Payeng thefore yerely after my said wifes decease to the president ours wardens and fellowshippe of the said fraternytie of Jesus yerely at fowre termes of the yere vsuall xl s of laufull money of Englande by even portions if the said Brotherheade do then contynue in the same state force and effecte as ytt was in the latter yere of the Reyne of the late quene marye

Item I bequeth to my saide wif my house and landes at Totenham in Myddelsex bothe copie and free durynge her lif naturall And after her decease I will the same to remayne to the ij sonnes of my saide Brother Mychaell And if ytt fortune that Arthure Asbye accordinge to concenntes do redeme the same house and landes and paye therfore to myne executrice xlviij li Then I will that eyther of the said my two brothers sonnes shall haue xv li a pece of the said money and my saide executrice to haue the rest of that money vz. xviij li to her owne vse

Item I bequeth to the fowre prysons of Newgate Ludgate Mercyesee and Kyngs benche to eu[er]yone of theym iij s iiij d in breade a pece

Item I giue and bequeth vnto my saide wif my lease of the dye howse with the tenter yardes and gardeyns lyeng in more lane without Creplegate to thentent that she shall synde my saide Nephewe Thomas Roberts to grammer scole vntill he be of thage of xvtene yeres

Item I giue and bequeth to Margarette Alcocke widowe xl s and to her daughter Jacemyn a blacke gowne

Item I bequeth to my cosynne Valentyne in Towrestrate and to his wif and her suster Jane to eu[er]y of theym iij s iiij d

Item wherea Arthure Asshebye gentelman oweth vnto me by a statute xxiiij li and therfore hath surrendred two tenements with the appurtenance setthenge and beying in Ryckmansworth in the countie of Hertford and I yett not admytted tenannte my will is nowe that then the saide Arthure is therto laufullie Requyred do furthwith of nowe surrender the saide two tenements vnto the vse of Anne my wif during her lif and after her decease to the vse of John Robarts the yonger and hys heyres for ever brother of the said Thomas Roberts then I will without ffraude or gyle Then I will that my saide executrix shall delyuer vnto the saide Arthure Asshebye or his assignes the saide statute dischardged

Item I giue to Thomas Wheler my servannte my notarye signe of silver

Item I bequeth to Bartholomewe Hagatt fowre of my best bokes of precedents wrytten and fowre of my best bokes of lawe prynted at his choyce The residewe of all my goodes catalles credits Jewels plate and ready money, my debts paide and my bodie honesthe buryed and this my p[rese]nte testamente and last will in all things fulfilled I giue and bequeth to the saide Anne my wif she thernats dispose for my sowle and all cristian sowles at her free will and pleasure and as she wolde I shulde do for her in like case and of this my p[rese]nte testament and last will I ordeyne constitute and make the saide Anne my wif my sole executrice And ou[er]seares of the same I make my sonne in lawe John Robarts and the saide Thomas Lawrence to the whiche John Robarts I bequeath for his labo[ur] my best gowne of Russells faced with foynes

In wytnesse of this my last will and testamente I haue subscribed my name with myne owne hande in the presence of these witnesses vndernamed p[er] me Thomas Dockwray Ita est Robertus Warmyngton per me Will[ia]m Babham p[er] meThomas Lawrence p[er] me Thomam Whelerum

Item I bequeth to be bestowed at the Taverne id a breakefast vpon suche of my companye of procto[r]s as Mr. Warmyngton Mr. Harryson Mr. Byggs and Will[ia]m Babham shall appoynte tenne shillings.

Probatum fuit supra scriptum testamentum coram Custode Curie prerogatiue cantuar[iensis] quartodecimo die mensis Julij Anno d[omi]ni Mill[es]imo quingentesimo quinquagesimo nono Juramento Roberti Warmyngton procuratoris Anne Rel[i]c[t]e et executricis in huios testamento no[m]i[n]ate Ac approbat[um] et insinuat[um] Com[m]issa[que] et fuit administratio omn[ium] et sing[u]lo[rum] bonor[um] Jur[iu]m et prefate executrici de bene et Ac de pleno et fideli Juventario Nacnyn devervet plaino compote reddend et Jurat.

PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/42B, will of Thomas Dockwray, Notary Public, Stationer and Proctor of the Arches of London, (proved) 14 July 1559 (dated 28 May 1559).

Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 24 September 2003. (The Latin part of the text is somewhat uncertain.)

Note: In the Cambridge University Alumni we find the following note:
"Dockwra. Bachelor of Canon Law 1501. Perhaps Thomas Dockwra; proctor of the Consistorial Court. Will (P.C.C.) 1559.
"Master Thomas Dockwray, notary, proctor of the Arches died June 23, 1559"; M.I. in old St Paul's Cathedral."

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