1586 - Anthony DOCWRA of Rudfin, Warks.
Will was written on 7 Nov 1586
Will was proved on 21 Nov 1586, PCC 59 Windsor
In the name of God amen The seaventh daye of the moneth of November Anno D[omi]ni 1586. I Anthony Docwra of Rudphin in the County of Warwick being sick in bodye but of good and perfect remembrannce (thanck be vnto Almightye god) doe make and ordayne this to be my Last will and testament in manner and forme following. ffirst I bequeathe my sowle vnto Almightye god desiring him to receiue me amongest the number of his electe and chosen children and that not for any merritt or deserth of myne (whiche I vtterly renounce) but for Jesus Christes sake by whose meritte deathe and passion onely I doe vndoubtedly trust to haue my sowle possess in everlasting possession in the kingdome of heaven. Secondly I bequeathe my bodye to the grounde in full and certen hope of the resurrection of the same againe to everlasting life desyring that it maye be so accompanied vnto the grave and solaide vpp in the same __ as vnto a christian belongeth and appertayneth.
Item I giue vnto Edmond Docwra my eldest sonne my white satten dublett and my coate of silver lace.
I giue vnto Christopher Docwra my yongest sonne halfe my farme that I holde of Sir Thomas Lucye in Charlcote for terme of yeares and also halfe the wholle stock of goods and chattells that are nowe vppon the same willing that my wiffe and he shall occupye it together Jointly that is to saye, she to perceave and take the one halfe of the proffittes and com[m]odifies arising vppon the same during the yeares that are remayning in the Lease aforesaide vnto his owne proper vse and behoofe and my saide sonne thother halfe But if my saide wiffe doe marrye or decease before the expiration of the yeares of the foresaide Lease then I will that ymediatlye vppon her mariage and also vppon her decease my said sonne shall enter vppon and enioye the wholle ferme and the stock as he shall then finde it
Also I giue and bequeathe vnto my saide sonne xpofer Docwra my second sute of apparrell of grene and my nagge.
Item I give and bequeathe vnto Marye Docwra my eldest daughter my hatt bonde and the golde buttons abowte the same being in number seaventene my veluett capp, and twoe Lye to be appointed and sett out for her by my executor.
Item I giue vnto Elizabeth Docwra my youngest daughter the some of four score poundes of good and Lawfull money of England to be paide vnto her at the daye of her mariage if she doe in the matching of her selfe followe and be ruled by the advice of her mother or of my overseer Mr. Thomas Docwra otherwise it shalle at her mother my wives choice to give her what she will
Item I giue vnto Sara Potkyn my wives kinswoman the som[m]e of tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England.
Item I giue and bequeathe to William Hopley my olde serunte the some of twenty shillings of good and Lawfull money of England.
The residue of my goodes and chattells not bequeathed in this my last will and testament my debtes paide and my ffunerall expenses discharged. I doe giue and bequeathe to ffranncis my wiffe whome I make and ordayne my full and sole executor. And I doe make and ordayne my good brother in Lawe Mr. Thomas Docwra the overseer of this my last will and testament and doe earnestly request him to be a frendly assistant to my said wiffe his sister.
And for full confirmac[i]on of this to be my Last will and testament I haue herevnto sett my hande. John Hooke clerk being wittnes the daye and yeare aforesaid. By Anthony Docwra
Probatum fuit testamentum supra scriptum apud London coram Venerabili viro m[agist]ro Will[iel]mo Drury Legum doctore Curie Prerogatiue Cant[uariensis] Mag[ist]ro Custode siue Com[m]issario Etc. vicesimo primo die mens[i]s Novembris Anno D[omi]ni Mill[es]imo Quingentesimo Octogesimo Sexto Juramento Petri Johnson Notarij publici procur[ator]is ffrancisce Docwra Rel[i]c[t]e et executricis in h[uius]mod[i] testamento nominat[orum] Qui[bus] com[m]issa fuit Administrac[i]o Etc. De bene et fidel[ite]r administrand[o] Etc. Ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat[is].
Source: Copy obtained and transcribed by Murray Miles and Odd Ottesen