
1618 - Robert DOCKWRAYE of Caxton, Cambs.

Will was written on 12 March 1617[1618]
Will was proved on 25 April 1618

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Dockwraye of Caxton in the Countye of Cambridge, and Diocesse of El[i]en[sis] beinge sicke in body but in p[er]fect remembrannce thanks be to Almighty god for the same doe make this my last will and testam[en]t in manner and forme followinge

ffirst I bequeath my sowle vnto Almighty god, trustinge thoroue the merits of my blessed Savio[u]r Jesus Christe, to haue forgiueness of all my sinnes. And my body to be buryed in the Church of Caxton aforesaide

And as concerninge my Wordly goods where W[i]th the lorde hath blessed me w[i]thall, and the distribuc[i]on thereof ffirst of all I giue and bequeath vnto ff[r]anncis the Wife of Phillippe Lettice my eldest daughter, the some of Thirtye poundes of lawfull money of England, to be paide vnto her w[i]thin one yeare nexte after my decease

Item I giue and bequeath vnto Elizabeth, Blanch, Margery, Anne, Mary & Margaret my daughters, and to every of them the some of Thirtye pounds of like lawfull money of Englande, to be paid to every of them, at such tyme as they shall come to their severall ages of Twentie and one Yeares.

And my further will is, that if any of my saide daughters Elizabeth, Blanch, Margery, Anne, Mary or Margaret or any of them to dep[ar]te this lyfe before shee or they shall accomplishe the age aforesaide, not beinge marryed, and havinge noe Childe, then her and they, soe dep[ar]rtinge, her and their parts to remaine to the rest, then livinge, to be equally distributed amongst them, as they shall severally attaine and come to the age aforesaide.

And my further Will is, that if any of my said daughters shall marrye before the age aforesaide, and haue yssue, and dep[ar]te this lyfe before the age aforesaide, then my Will is, that her porc[i]on shalle paid vnto her husband, at such tyme as she should haue had the same, yf he be then livinge yf he be dep[ar]ted, then to her yssue, then livinge at the tyme of payment aboue lymitted, and appointed Otherwise to be distributed as aforesaide amongst my foresaide daughters then livinge.

The rest of my goodes vnbequeathed my debts paide, my legacies p[er]formed, and ffunerall discharged I giue and bequeath to Emme my Wife, whome I make my sole executrix of this my last will and testament.

And I make Owen Lavendor of Caxton aforesaid Sup[er]visor of the same. And I giue him Tenne shillings for his paines.

In witnesse whereof I haue herevnto subscribed my name, and sett my seale, the Twelfth daye of Marche Anno Domini 1617. Annoq[ue] D[omi]ni Regis Jacobi une Anglie etc. Decimo seximo.

Robert Dockwraye. /

These beinge witnesses, Sealed and and[!] deli[uer]ed in the p[re]sence of vs Christopher Meadester, Signed Owen Lavender, Agnes Hatlye /.

Probatum fuit testamentu[m] suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro D[omi]no Johan[n]e[s] Benet Milite[s] legum Doctore Curie Prerogatiue Cantuar[iensis] Mag[ist]ro Custode sive Commisario l[egi]time constituto, Vicesimo quinto die mensis Aprilis, Anno D[omi]no Millesimo sexcentesimo Decimo octavo Juramento Em[m]ae Dockwray rel[i]c[t]e dicti defuncti et executrices in eadem testamento nominate Cui com[m]issa fuit Administrac[i]o omnium et singulorum bonorum iuriu[m] et creditor[um] dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter administrand eadem ad sancta Dei Evangelia vigore Commissionis in ea p[ar]te al[ia]s emanat Jurat. Ex.

PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/131, will of Robert Dockwray of Caxton, Cambridgeshire, (proved) 25 April 1618 (dated 12 March 1617[1618]).

Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 1 November 2003.

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