1658 - Mercy DOCWRA of Cambridge, Cambs.

Will was written on 25 January 1657
Will was proved on 12 June 1658

In the name of God Amen this ffiue and twentieth day of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and fifty seven I Mercy Docwra of Camb[rigde] widow being Very weake in body but thankes be to God of sound & p[er]fect memory Doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme following

That is to saye ffirst I giue & bequeath my Soule into the handes of Allmighty God my faithfull Creator with full assurance through the free grace of God by & through the merite of the eternall Sone Jesus Christ to receive forgiuenesse of sinnes & acceptance into those everlasting Mansions purchased by the bloud of Christ for me and all those who belong to the election of grace

And my body to be decently buried by my Executrix hereafter named in the parish Church of Chesterton in the sayd Countie of Camb[ridge]

Item I giue & bequeath all my lands goods & chattels and all other my estate reall & p[er]sonall Vnto ffrances Docwra my daughter whom I hereby Constitute & appoint my sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament

And whereas there is one howse in Jesus lane in Camb[ridge] wherein I now dwell which I purchased of Captain Will Pickering and is a lease holden of Jesus Colledge for fforty yeares taken in the name of my Sone in law Thomas Docwra in trust for me and my Assignes

My will & meaning is & I doe hereby further Declare that the my sayd daughter & Executrix shall allso haue the same house & the lease thereof & all my right tytle & interest in & to the same for and dureing the remainder of the terme in the sayd lease expressed To the only vse of her my sayd daughter her Executors & Administrators & Assignes

In wittness whereof I the said Mercy Docwra haue herevnto sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare first above written .///. The Marke of Mercy Docwra .///. Sighned Sealed published and delivered as the last will and testament of the sayd Mercy Docwra in the presence of .///. John Bridge .///. Thomas Docwra .///.

This will was proved att London before the Judges for probate of wills and grantinge Administrations lawfully authorised the twelfth day of June in the yeare of our lord god according to the computation of the Church of England one thowsand six hundred ffiftye and eight By the oath of ffrances Docwra the daughter and sole Executrix of the deceased To whom Administration of all the goods and chattles of the said deceased was Comitted Shee being first legallie Svorne trulie to Administer the same. .///.

PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/277, will of Mercy Docwra, widow of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, (proved) 12 June 1658 (dated 25 January 1657).

Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 18 June 2003.

Notes by Anne Nichols: Frances's sister-in-law was Anne Docwra (nee Waldingrave - wife of James Docwra). Anne left a property in Jesus Lane to the Quakers, she was a devout and outspoken Quaker writer.