1741 - Richard DOCWRA of Epsom, Surrey

Will was written on 16 May 1741
Will was proved on 16 October 1741

In the Name of God Amen I Richard Dockwra of Epsome being perfect in mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following written with my own hand

I give George Dockwra my Wifes son now in Cheshire Six hundred pounds to be laid out in an annuity for his Life and put out of his power to alienate it and the care in purchasing I beg as a favour of my Nephew Peter Warburton Esquire Thomas Slaughter Esquire and Mr. ffrancis Bartholomew who I desire to be his Trustees

Item I give to my Servant Ellen ffelton one hundred pounds if she lives with me at the time of my death if not then to have fifty pounds over and above what is due to her for Wages which account will be seen in my Receipt Book with the Vellum Cover

I also give her two Siver Spoons and two Table Cloths one Dozen of Plates the Bed in the Green Room and the Beds in the Garretts Except the yellow Camblett Bed the Chest of Drawers in the Store Room and the cane Chairs and hope her Son will give her several other things usefull to her

Item I Give to George Dockwra my Diamond Ring and my Red Seal

and to Ellen ffelton three pair of Servants sheets and Six Napkins and Towells

my Small parcell of plate to be Equally divided between George Dockwra and James Dockwra al[ia]s ffelton Son of the said Ellen ffelton

Except the Salver which I give to my Sister Prince

If I have any Horses or Chair whatever they Sell for to be divided between George Dockwra and James ffelton

and two of the Guns to George Dockwra with one Dozen of Callicae shirts

I desire all my debt which are very Small to be justly paid by James ffelton who I make my Executor and after the above Legacies give him the remainder charging him to be dutifull and very kind to his Mother

Wherever it shall please God to take me out of the World I desire to be buried with the least Expence decency will permit and a Small Stone at the Head of my Grave with the two Letters R: D: cut deep and underneath, Lord be mercifull to me a Wretched Sinner

If George Dockwra dye before the annuity is bought then what he has shall be divided as follows

To Ellen ffelton fifty pounds

to my Sister Prince fifty pounds

and the remainder to James ffelton

and if James ffelton dye before George Dockwra then what he is possessed of to be thus divided

one hundred pounds to my Sister Prince

one hundred pounds to Ellen ffelton but to be understood in every article that if Ellen ffelton lives not with me at my Death she is only to have fifty pounds and the other things as above the remainder to George Dockwra

I give to each of the Trustees a Ring of a Guinea value

and as I am Ignorant of the Law if any thing in this should be wanting in form I desire it may be determined by the said Trustees and the party refusing to acquiesce in their award to forfeit half his Legacy.

May the Sixteenth one Thousand seven hundred forty one. R. Dockwra.

As too much of what I leave is in debts due to every one must abate in proportion of their Legacies in what Debts prove bad./.
Signed sealed and declared by the said Richard Dockwra to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us.
John Lancaster ./. Catherin Lancaster ./.William Love.

Memorandum Epsom Sep[tembe]r ye 31. 1741 Since the making of the Will such heavy and unexpected Losses have fallen out that I am oblidged to Lessen the Legacies

therefore must leave George Dockwra five hundred pounds instead of Six hundred pounds

and James Dockwra ffelton is made Executor and most likely to get in my debts

when he has collected five hundred pounds to pay it to Peter Warburton Esquire or Thomas Slaughter Esquire to be divided of as directed in the Body of the Will the other articles to Stand as they are

as soon as James Dockwra ffelton gets money in that Will amount to Six hundred pounds or more to pay into the hands of William Bowles Esquire who I desire as the last act of his friendship to me to lay out for annuity for the Life of James Dockwra ffelton not to be alienable and this Codicill I desire to be of Equal force as if inserted in the Body of the Will.

Witness my hand
./. R. Dockwra ./.
Witness Tho:s Walter ./. Jonas ffurnis.

This Will was proved at London on the Sixteenth october in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and forty one with a Codicil annexed before the Worshipfull Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws and Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of James Dockwra otherwise ffelton the Executor named in the said Will to whom was granted administraion of all and Singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of the said deceased being first sworn only to administer the same. Ex.

[Notes in the margin, written by two other hands. Some parts are rather illegible.]

On the twenty seventh day of August in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fortyfour Administration with the Will and Codicill anncted? of the Goods Chattell and Credits of Richard Dockwra late of Ebbisham otherwise Epsom in the County of Surry deceased left unadministredly James Dockwra otherwise ffelton also dec[eas]ed sole Ex[ecu]tor and residuary Legatee named in the said Will was granted to George Dockwra the natural and lawfull Son of the s[ai]d Richard Dockwra dec[eas]ed and Residuary Legatee substitute in the Said Will being first sworn by Com. duby to idstor[?] the pretended Letters of Adm[inistration] (with the s[ai]d Will and Codicil annexed) of the Goods of the s[ai]d dec[eas]ed so left unad[mini]stred as aforesaid heretofore to within the Month of Jan[ua]ry _as __granted to Eleanor ffelton Widow as _dotruartny[?] (_ the Will annexed) of the Goods of the s[ai]d James Dockwra otherwise ffelton dec[eas]ed being first revoked and declared of and void as obtained under false Suggestions As by the Acts of Court _refully appears.

On the 28th of January 1743 Adm. with the Will & Codicill annexed of the goods Chattells and Credits of Richard Dockwra late of Ebbisham al[ia]s Epsom in the County of Surry dec[eas]ed left unad[mini]stred by James Dockwra otherwise ffelton dec[eas]ed (whilst living) Sole Executor residuary Legatee Since also dec[eas]ed was granted to Eleanor ffelton Widow the Universal Legatee and _____ with ________ of the Goods of the s[ai]d James Dockwra otherwise Felton dec[eas]ed being first Sworn duly to Adm.

PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/712, will of Richard Dockwra of Epsom, Surrey (proved) 16 October 1741 (dated 16 May 1741).

Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 15 October 2003.

This is the father of James Dockwra Felton, of Epsom, whose Will can be found in this section.