
1534 - Martin DOCWRA of Thatcham, Berkshire

Will was written on 22 November 1534
Will was proved on 28 November 1534

In dei Nomine Amen. The xxijti daye of Novembre in the yere of oure Lorde god m1 v0 xxxiiijti. I Martyn Docwra gentilman in good and hole mynde and perfitt remembraunce lawded be almightie god make and ordeyne this my p'nte [present] testament conteynynge my last will in manner and fourme followinge

that is to saje ffirst I bequeth and recomend my soule unto almightie god the father the sonne and the holly gost, to or blissed Ladye Sainte Marie the virgin mother of Criste Jhesu, and to all the celestiall compaannye of hevin, and my bodye to be buryed in Sainte Clements church w'oute the temple barr of London at the discrecion of Isabell my wif if it chaunce me to decease in the said citie or in the suburbes of the same.

It. I will that ymmedyatly after my deceas my ffeoffees of trust of and in all my lands tenements and pastures lyinge in the Citie of Coventre and the suburbes of the same and in certeyne pastures lyinge in Brickhill wt a flocke of sheepe goinge upon the same in the Countie of Warwycke and also all my feoffees of trust of and in my lands and tenements in the towne of Madenhyed in the Countie of Bark shall stand and be seasid to the use of Isabell my wif untill she have taken and perceyviri of thisses and profutes of all my said landes tenements pastures and stocke the full some of one hundred and twenty pounde sterlinge to thuse maryage or preferrement of my three doughters Elizabete Margaret and Anne that ys to saie to every of my said doughters xl li. st [sterling] parcell of the said cxx li.

And if it fortune any of my saide three doughters to deceas before that they or she so deceasinge shall be maryed or otherwise preferryed Then I will that the said purcion of hir or them so deceasinge shall remayne equally to be divided betwyne my said wif if she than be levinge and my doughter or doughters survyvinge

And if my said wif be then deceasid to my said daughter or daughters lyvinge and not maryed or preferryed

And if it fortune all my said doughters to decease before their said maryage or preferment and my said wif than lyvinge Than I will that my said wif shall take levye and perceyve the said some of cxx li. to thuse and intent followinge that is to saie to hir owne use the some of lx li. and to every of my thre sonnes that is to saye Edwarde, Edmonde and Antonye than lyvinge x li.

And the Residue by hir to be dispoased in deades of charitie; for my soule and all xpen [Christian] soules at hir discrecian And after that the said some of one cxx li. shalbe taken levid and perceivyd in manner and fourme aforesaid or if all my said daughters deceas before the said some be so levid and taken, Than I will that from such tyme forwarde lay said feoffees shall stand and he seasid of and in all my said landes tenements and pastures to the use of Isabell my said wif for the term of hir life and after [her] deceas I will said feoffees shall stand.....

[The testator then declares the uses to which his estates (no mention being made of real property at Thatcham) are limited, namely for his three Sons, Edward, Edmund, and Antony successively in tail. The Trustees are directed to pay to the Teetator's Widow the rents of the estates limited to the second son, Edmond Docwra, until he attained the age of 18 years. He also desired that his wife should bring up and provide all necessaries for his children until their full age of eighteen years: and after giving certain specific legacies to some of his friends, no reference whatever being made to Thatcham or to any one residing there, the Testator proceeds as follows :-]

* I bequeth to every of my said three doughters over and above their said legacies in monnye x li. sterlinge towards their maryage or preferrement and everye of them to be others heire in the same of them deceassinge if any suche happen to deceas before their saide maryage or preferment

Item I bequeth to Alice Blounte the wife of Thomas Blounte of Balsall in monnye five marks sterlinge.

Item I will that my * cousen Thomas Docwray of London shall have in recompence of such charge as he the same Thomas dyd laye owte for me apon my cousin Margerye Dowcra whiche deceased in his house in London iij li. st [sterling].

The residue of all my goods cattalls and credetts whatsoever they be, my detts paid and my funerall expensis done, I give and bequeth to the saide Isabell my wif to do and dispoase therwt in dedys of charytie and perye for my soule and all Xpien souls as she shall thinke best The whiche Isabell my wif of this my present testament and last will I make and ordeyne my sole executrix.

Theis beinge wittnes: Oswald Dowcra, Myles Slye, Henry Milner, William Lowther, Alice Kelley, the said Thomas Docwra w' other moo the daye and yere abovesaid. [22 Nov. 1534.]

Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 28th November, 1534, to Isabell, relict and executrix.

Source: APPENDIX LXV to "Thatcham, Berks. and its Manors" by Samuel Barfield

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