1652 - Thomas DOCKERAY of Thornithwaite in Matterdille, Cumbd.
Will was written on 23 March 1650
Will was proved on 12 February 1652
In the name of God Amen The twenty third Day of March one thousand sixe hundred ffifty I Thomas Dockeray of Thornithwaite in Matterdille and within the parish of Grastocke sick and weake in bodie yet whole of mynde and in good and perfect remembrance praised be God doe herein ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
ffirst I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my Maker and Redeemer and my body to be buried in the earth of Matterdille paying the accustomed duties thereto belonging
Item I giue and bequeath to my eldest sonne Thomas all the loose wood as feets, bords, dormands, and other loose wood, And all the husbandrie geere and the Stabe stones, my wife having her share withe husbandrie geare during her life naturall or soe longe as shee keepeth her Widdowhead
Item I giue and bequeath to my sonne Robert Threescore pounds and to stand in full satisfac[i]on for his Childs portion
Item I giue and bequeath to my wife one black hecfer and her calfe
The rest of all my goods and Cattells moveable and vnmovable my debt legacies and funerall expences being discharged and paid After my wife having her thirds divided forth I giue and bequeath to my wife and fower youngest children William, Annas, Jane and Margaret, whome I ordayne and make my whole and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament
And this is my mynde that after the geare being prized as shortly as possible can be, after that my before menc[i]oned Executors shall haue the geare equally devided amongst them And everyone to knowe their owne
I ordayne and make John Dockeray of Dockeray and John Grisedall of Mollehouse Thomas Harrison of Dockeray and John Wilson of Vlkethrawe Supervisors of this my last will and Testament desyring them to see it performed according to my mynde herein menc[i]oned
Whereunto I haue set my hand the day and yeare aboue written
Thomas Dockeray marke
Int p[re]sente of John Dockeray John Wilson John Nesfeild Christopher Wilson Thomas Dockeray./
This Will was proved at London before Sr. Nathaniell Brent Knight doctor of lawes and Master or Keeper of the Prerogatiue Court the twelfth day of february in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty one (English Style) by the oath of Annis the Relicte of the deceased and one of the Executors therein named To whome Administration of all and singuler the goods chattells and debts of the sayed deceased which any manner of way concerne the same will was granted and committed shee being first legally sworne by virtue of a Commission in that be halfe issued forth well and truely to Administer the same The like power being reserved to Annas Jane and Margarett the other Executors therein named when they shall come to legally require the same./
PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/1841, will of Thomas Dockeray of Greystoke, Cumberland, 12 February 1652 (dated 23 March 1650).
Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 12 December 2003.