1657 - Anne DOCWRA of Fulborne, Cambs.

Will was written on 26 October 1656
Will was proved on 7 May 1657

Anne Docwra of Fulborne in the Countie of Cambridge Spinster did make her last will and testament the day and yeare abovewritten, And did bequeath vnto Thomas Docwra of great Shelford her brother five shillings And to Elizabeth the daughter of Edward Docwra of Hinton gentleman tenn shillings; And the rest of her personall estate to James Docwra Thomas Docwra ffrances Docwra and Edward Docwra to be equally divided betwixt them In the presence of vs John Barber Flower Ostler her marke. Isabell Wibrow her marke.

Memorandum that Anne Docwra late of Fulborne in the Countie of Cambridge Spinster deceased at the time of the making and declaring of her will bearing date the 26th October 1656 or presently after being then also of good mind and memorie did by word of mouth further declare her will and mind to be That her Cosin ffrances (meaning ffrances Docwra one of the Residuarie Legataries named in her said will) should have all her Jewells, And being asked if she should have them besides her share of the Residue of the said Annes estate, She the said Anne annswered No, Let them be indifferently valued and apprized, and she shall have them in part of her share of the Residue, or she whed words to that effect and purpose. John Barber, Flower Ostler, Isabell Wibrowe.

On the Seaventh Day of May in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ffiftie seaven there issued forth Letters of Administat[i]on to James Docwra, Thomas Docwra and Edward Docwra the prinicapll Legataries named in the said will of Anne Docwra the testatrix deceased To administer all and singular the goods, Chattels and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of her said will and Nuncupative Godwill ffor that no executor is therein named They being first sworne by virtue of A Commission well and truely to administer.

PRO, catalogue reference: PCC Prob/11/264, will of Anne Docwra, spinster of Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, (proved) 7 May 1657 (dated 26 October 1656). October 26th 1656

Transcription by Odd Ottesen, Kristiansand, Norway, 23 June 2003.

Note: Anne was daughter of Ralph Docwra of Fulbourn, whose Will is also in this section, as is the Will of her mother Susan.