TESTIMONIALS OF MR CHARLES DOCWRA, Head Master of Brixton & Herne Hill Grammar School.

Vestry, Holy Trinity Church, Gray's Inn Road, 1866
Rev. Mr Hunt (Late Head Master of Faversham Grammar School) begs to say that of all the assistants he has ever had he never had one who could in any way compare with Mr Docwra, in maintaining discipline, or teaching Writing. He also found him a most valuable, conscientious, and earnest help in the ordinary branches of School routine.

Park Street, Bath, July 1868
This is to certify that Mr C Docwra had entire charge of above School for twelve months. He maintained a strict discipline among the pupils without merging into severity; his knowledge is varied and correct; and I consider he would prove a valuable acquisition in any establishment, possessing in addition to the requisites for a superior Commercial Master a competent knowledge of French, and very superior reading in Mathematics. As a Writing Master I have never seen his equal. He is also a talented Drawing Master, and teaches numbers with wonderful facility. He is very indefatigable and conscientious in the discharge of his duties, and his moral character is irreproachable.
Signed J H Hemming

Fenwick Street, Sunderland, 1873
It gives the Rev S G Mitchell great pleasure in certifying that Mr C Docwra is a most efficient English Master, and that he conscientiously endeavoured on all occasions to impart to his pupils the advantages of his own knowledge and experience. The Rev Mr M believes he will be found a very able and experienced Master. His pupils made rapid progress in Mathematics, French and Writing. Mr Docwra sedulously devoted his time to the improvement of the pupils - in short, Mr Mitchell knows nothing damaging to his moral or scholastic character, and will always be most happy to answer questions.

Lansdowne Place, South Lambeth, 1875
Dear Sir - I beg to say I have known Mr Docwra for the last fourteen years, and know him to have been a very efficient teacher, both in schools and private families.
Yours most respectfully H S Barton

Orsett College, Essex, 1876
I have great pleasure in testifying to Mr Docwra's character and capabilities as a master. As regards his order and discipline I have seen few to equal him, or to manage numbers. His teaching is precise and careful; he is always forward where there is work to be done; and I believe a thoroughly conscientious and hard working gentleman.
Yours faithfully S G Gripps, M.C.P.

Ascot, 1876
I can speak in the highest terms of Mr C Docwra; he not only possesses a vast amount of valuable knowledge, but is particularly happy in possessing the art of imparting that knowledge to his pupils. I can also affirm that his good temper and general firmness, combined with business tact, have been attended with extraordinarily good results in the conduct of a large school.
(signed) J Walder B.A.

Source: Copies in the possession of Velloa Johnson of Australia, Charles Docwra was Velloa's gg grandfather